First of all, how old are you? In Ireland, you must be 16 or over with valid ID and accompanied by a legal guardian (once you turn 18, there is no longer any requirement to be accompanied by a guardian). Next up is the choice of what kind of piercing you want to get: ear, nose, belly-button, etc. Once that’s been decided, you’ll need choose the professional who’ll perform the piercing. Here you’ll near to bear in mind more than just the number of followers the piercing/body modification professional has, rather you should prioritise reputation and solid examples of previous work. At this point, you really should do your research: speak to friends, ask around, find any and all examples of the professional’s work that you possibly can, speak to people who have had piercings performed by them, find out what materials they use, etc.
Got your location and piercer sorted? Okay then, your moment has finally arrived. When you’re at the studio, prior to having the piercing performed, pay attention if to see if the material has been properly sterilized, if the piece/jewel is of adequate quality (I always recommend pierces made from surgical steel or titanium, and if the piercer is wearing a fresh pair of disposable gloves.
Everything in order? Fantastic! The main thing left to worry about now is to pay full attention to the instructions your piercer will give you on how to proceed during the post-piercing stage. Also, be sure you show up to the follow-up sessions; they are crucial in order for the professional to verify whether or not the scarring and recovery process is occurring as it should.
Carla Horrana.