Many people come to me asking if they can use rubbing alcohol to clean their piercing, which isn’t a strange question at all when you consider that it was common for us or our parents to use this product to clean our cuts and scrapes when we were kids. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s okay to use on your piercings, and in actual fact, I strongly advise against it. Here it is worth bearing in mind that as well as the skin itself engaging in its usual healing process, a foreign body in the form of the piercing/jewel is also present, and this complicates matters. Rubbing alcohol contains hydrogen peroxide, a substance detrimental to the scarring process, as it destroys the cells responsible for the skin’s natural recovery and regeneration. So then, instead of rubbing alcohol, the product I recommend you use for cleaning your piercings is saline solution, which is more natural and less abrasive. Chamomile tea and warm water mixed with salt are alternatives to saline solution which you may also use.
Carla Horrana