Another common question I get from clients is as regards to keloids, so let’s look first at what a keloid actually is. Keloids are an overgrowth of scar/collagen tissue caused by trauma to the skin, collagen being the protein that contributes to the skin’s natural healing process.
Over the weeks and months after the piercing is performed, a keloid can appear in the form of a thick and reddened hardening of the skin at the site of the piercing. Pain and itching can also be factors present. Keloids can form as a result of piercings, other skin trauma such as bruising or burns, as well as general genetic pre-disposition. Keloids do not pose any health risk, so any concern here should be of a purely aesthetic nature.
What measures can be taken to combat them then? Well, unfortunately there are no quick-fixes in the form of creams or home remedies. Instead, it is necessary that the client seek assistance from a doctor or qualified body modification professional with the experience and authorisation to perform keloid removal, as a professional approach here will identify which course of action to follow, with surgical removal being the only option available in some cases.
Carla Horrana.